Ash destination, keeping ashes at home

Ash destination, keeping ashes at home | legendURN

Keeping the cremation ashes of your deceased loved one at home

Keeping the ashes of the deceased loved one at home is usually done in an ornamental urn. Something that evokes either pride or a good memory when seen. In this ornamental urn the ash container or ash bag is placed which you get from the crematorium. The urn then can have a special place in the house on, for example, a house altar or on designated piece of furniture or more camouflaged between other objects with the purpose to create a beautiful and personal memorial in your home.

In addition to our ornamental galleries, we mainly supply artworks and special sculpture urns in which there is space for cremation ashes. We work a lot with renowned artists at home and abroad. These urns are characterized by their high quality and vary from classic to modern design.

It is also possible to paint an urn or make a drawing on the urn. An untreated ceramic urn for you to paint is made in a modern pottery, where the craft and the love for the work are central. Painting the urn of the deceased loved one has a positive effect for many people during and after the mourning process.